. Flowers in nature Flowers are the natural ornaments of a plant. A flower registers its presence in an environment by every aspect of its entity. Its beauty, fragrance, nectar, and tenderness lure all of our four senses of sight, smell, taste, and touch. . A glimpse of a pond with lotus bloomed, a bumblebee […]
Read More... Years ago, when I started hunting for a job after I completed my studies, the most irritating question I used to feel was “Tell me something about yourself.” The first thing that used to come to my mind was, “What the hell have I given my resume for?” . Of course, resume said it […]
Read More... Have you ever relished painting a house? Of course, not on a drawing sheet. I am talking about the brick-and-mortar house we live in. It is an experience worth treasuring. Go for it! . East or west, home is the best. Big or small, a home makes you feel very special. That is why […]
Read More..Stress is the uninvited guest of our life. We have to deal with it. It is not difficult to find out the ways to manage our stress. But most of us do not have the time to do so. We plan to engage ourselves in stress relieving activities and end up having no time for […]
Read More..महिला सशक्तिकरण और कामकाजी महिलाओं की संख्या में बढ़ोतरी के साथ ही उनके बनाव-शृंगार को भी पहले से अधिक महत्व मिलने लगा है। राजनीति की चर्चा करने वाले मुख्य समाचार पत्रों में भी “पहनावा पत्रकारिता” की घुसपैठ होने लगी है। यदि आप एक महिला हस्ती हैं, तो कहीं आते-जाते समय आप क्या पहनती हैंं, इस […]
Read More..From Gerald Durrell’s , My Family and Other Animals, page 40 . Gradually the magic of the island settled over us as gently and clingingly as pollen. Each day had a tranquillity, a timelessness, about it, so that you wished it would never end. But then the dark skin of night would peel off and […]
Read More..Communication is an essential aspect of our life. Our bonding with other people depends heavily on how we communicate with them. Communication is not just speaking. It is speaking with a purpose. Our professional life also requires us to be skilled in communication. So, the need to learn business communication arises in the workplace. A […]
Read More..“Time is money” is not an exaggerated saying. It indeed is. Ask the runner who lost his victory to his competitor by lagging behind a couple of seconds. Ask somebody who suffered an accident and could not reach the hospital on time. Ask the twins who claim to be younger and older than each other […]
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